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GILOY is a potent immunity booster also having numerous health benefits. This product is really a combination of herbs that you can't afford to miss. Enriched with Giloy, Neem, Tulsi and Papaya , this health friendly product keeps the body safe from virus attacks. 



GILOY is a potent immunity booster also having numerous health benefits. This product is really a combination of herbs that you can't afford to miss. Enriched with Giloy, Neem, Tulsi and Papaya , this health friendly product keeps the body safe from virus attacks. 


GILOY : Incredibly beneficial in removing toxins from the body. It purifies blood, helps combat urinary tract infections and liver ailments. Giloy also helps in controlling diabetes by improving blood glucose level. It has antioxidant properties. It is anti-arthritic, anti-osteoporotic and anti- diabetic. 


NEEM : Neem contains elements  that might help reduce blood sugar level, heal ulcers in digestive system, kill bacteria. Neem leaf is also used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, diseases of heart & blood vessels, fever, diabetes and gum diseases. 


PAPAYA : Papaya is exotic and rare fruit which is available most years of the year. It is enriched with medicinal properties. It contains high levels of antioxidants and  vitamins. It reduces the risk of heart diseases. It also prevents the oxidation of cholesterol. 

Recommended dosage for adults is 10 to 20 ml twice a day and for children is 5 ml twice a day or as prescribed by physician. 


* It helps to prevent arthritis and gout. 

* It helps to control blood pressure and blood sugar level.

* It helps to keep all types of fever away. 

* It provides resistance to body against bacterial and virus attacks. 

* It helps protect from seasonal diseases.